Thursday, July 26, 2012

Final Week (for class that is...)

In “5 Reasons to Allow Students to use Cell Phones” I agree with all of the points except for number 4. I will address points 1-3 and 5 first followed by my thoughts on point 4.
Point 1 is about preparing student for life after school.  If we want our students to be successful, we have to teach that information.  In many middle and high schools most students take a typing course.  While being able to type is still vital, it might not be the way these students one day do business.  If the world is changing, educators need to take that into consideration.
Point 2 looks at budgets.  School systems really should look at the technology already available to students and use that.  Many computer companies offer education discounts and plus the student does not need to worry about giving up the technology over the summer or when they graduate.  The technology will be theirs and therefore can keep all of the material on it.  Some families might not have the financial means to purchase this technology, and that is when the school can step in.
Point 3 address cheating and is excellent.  The article is correct in saying that if a student can look the answer up online, something might be wrong with the test.  Students need more challenges in the classroom especially when applying their knowledge.  Teachers should look more into having students create final projects as finals rather than a regular test.  
Sometimes pencil to paper testing is necessary though.  When this is the case, hopefully the teacher has established rules such as a designated place for cell phones while testing or consequences if caught cheating.
Point 5 discusses responsible use.  Students are going to learn how to make mash-up videos or photos and how to post them on their own.  Teachers should take the initiative to teach students about copyright law and the consequences of not using the internet responsibly.  
OK, point 4.  In this point the author address that administrators using technology when students cannot is a double standard.  I would not say that it is a right that the administrator has access but rather a privilege.  Students need to understand that just because one person has an object does not mean everyone is entitled to it.  
All in all this is an excellent article.  School systems should really look implementing new rules for cell phone use in schools.  In many cases it might help to save money while at the same time preparing students for the future.

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